Friday, December 18, 2009

Emergency in El Salvador

"On Sunday, Nov. 8, a low-pressure cell dumped almost as much rain on central El Salvador as Hurricane Mitch did over four days in 1998. El Salvador was already in its rainy season. The storm went largely unnoticed in the Canadian and U.S. media because it coincided with Hurricane Ida.

Just as Andrea de Jesus Parada, her four children and two grandchildren were preparing to go to sleep, they heard a noise that sounded like a helicopter hovering over the house and then cries for help. Mud and stone began to pour into the windows and doors. As they hurried out of the house, Parada called one of her granddaughters. “‘You hold from my neck,’” Parada told her. “I felt stones and mud hitting my body,” Parada said. The mudslide carried them along for almost a block before Parada could feel the ground beneath her. She was able to walk to safety with her granddaughter, guided by feeling the walls of the houses in the dark. All around them, people were crying in panic and terror, Parada said.

Parada told her story to Irma Solano and Antony Sanchez, MCC representatives to El Salvador in mid-November. They were in Verapaz to evaluate the damage caused by massive flooding and mudslides that killed at least 85 people in Verapaz and more than 140 people in the country."

Taken from

Mudslides wash people, trees and houses away in El Salvador

By Linda Espenshade

MCC News Release


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