Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bethesda Mennonite Work and Learn Team

Psalm 24:1

The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it

Where did we find bounty and God’s sovereignty in Guatemala?

-In the smiles and welcome from the people wherever we went.

-In the vast array of colors and sizes of flowers in bloom.

-In the joy of community celebration when believers gathered in worship.

-In the crystal clear pools of water at Semuc Champey.

-In the dedication to education exhibited by the workers and teachers at Bezaleel school.

-In the lush greenery of the hillsides.

Where did we yearn for more of God’s presence and grace?

-In stories of hardships people faced due to poverty.

-In stories of trauma to the people and land from the civil war.

-In the tragedy of continued violence in Guatemala City.

-In the city dump were too many people eeked out a living.

Whose souls did we save through our presence and witness there?

Our own.

Reflection written by Cathy Wismer, participant in the Bethesda Mennonite WAL Team January 10-24, 2009

The Bethesda Mennonite Church Work and Learn Team spent two weeks in Guatemala in January, learning about the history and context of the country in Guatemala City and then working and sharing with the communities of Bezaleel Q'eqchi' Mennonite School and Fundameno in Altaverapaz. The group helped paint the teachers' workroom and parts of the kitchen facilities at Bezaleel, as well as helped with painting and the construction of a sidewalk at Saraxoch, another school funded by Fundameno. The group spent time connecting with the students and staff at Bezaleel and with the community at the Mennonite church in Karcha - making some amazing New Year's Cookies for the congregation after the Sunday service! Even though it rained the majority of their time in Altaverapaz, the group was able to enjoy a sunny day visiting and relaxing at the beautiful Semuc Champey after their week of hard work.


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