Thursday, December 17, 2009

What are we doing down here?

MCC Guatemala and El Salvador is committed to supporting local partner organizations that work at community development through projects focused on Education, Relief, and Peace and Justice. The Connecting Peoples program is just one of the examples of how these general categories are put into practice "on the ground"; the Connecting Peoples program is considered one of MCC's key peace building initiatives as it works to build bridges of understanding and commitment between different cultures and groups. However, we are doing a lot more than just connecting people down here! In Guatemala and El Salvador, MCC is supporting projects that focus on: education of women, youth, and children, food security and income generation projects, capacity building, HIV/AIDS, sexual health and gender equality, emergency preparedness and disaster response, peace and justice education through arts and recreation, psycho-social recovery, and much more! Over the next couple of months, we will be highlighting the various projects that make up MCC Guatemala/El Salvador to show just how we work at community development - these are just a few:

Communinity development through EDUCATION

Caring for the environment workshop in Nebaj with partner organization Q'anil

Students at Bezaleel school in Altaverapaz work at builiding a basketball court

Teaching children in Panabaj about dental health with partner organization ANADESA


Women of Panabaj practice making fruit salad for visitors that partcipate in ANADESA's eco-tourism project

Community cooperatives in San Marcos work at constructing a green house and trout reproduction system as part of the food security program of partner organization Caritas


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