Monday, November 22, 2010

Rainbow Mennonite

The visit from Rainbow Mennonite Church in early October was short but full of many great experiences. Not only did they bring with them the end of the rainy season, as we had an entire week of sunny, clear skies during their visit, but also a lot of energy and interest in the context and reality of Guatemala. It was so nice to work with "older" adults for a change (although I love our high school groups, don't get me wrong!) We fit in a lot of activities in just one week, with a visit to ANADESA in Santiago Atitlan and a new agricultural program in Totonicapan. I'll let the pictures tell the rest!

Thank you to Jana and Mitch for the pictures!

ready to start the adventure

The group spent a number of days visiting the community in Panabaj, spending time with the children's program, learning about the history of the armed conflict, working on a stove project, cleaning Panabaj's Peace Park, and finally finishing the cleanup from Tropical Storm Agatha!

For more information on the ONIL stove project that ANADESA has partnered with, please visit: Cojolya or write to

much appreciated help with the mud at the community school

A couple of the group members decided to purchase wood as a thank you gift for their host family; fun idea that got the whole group involved!

The group also had the chance to visit a new MCC partner in a community outside of Totonicapan. The various community agricultural programs are managed mostly by women and have been very successful so far; a really great place to visit to see yet another part of the diverse context of Guatemala.

helping with the start of a water catcher

farewells and applauses for all after a special meal shared with the local community