Thursday, October 21, 2010

What are you afraid of?

"My neighbor is hungry"

I was hungry and you fed your animals with my food.

I was hungry and your transnationals planted your winter tomatoes on our best land.

I was hungry and you wouldn’t give up your steak from South America.

I was hungry but they grew tea for you where rice might grow for my daily meal.

I was hungry but you turned our sugarcane and manioc into fuel for your cars.

I was hungry but the waste from your factories is poisoning the fishing grounds of the earth.

I was hungry but with your money, you bought up my food.

I was hungry while my land grows exotic fruits for your table.

What are you afraid of?

Forgoing excessive and harmful consumption?
Having to change your attitudes?

The power of the politicians?

The work involved in achieving greater self-sufficiency?

The disappointing looks of your neighbors?

What are you afraid of?

I was hungry but you gave me no food.

taken from Earth Keepers


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